(+569) 7125 5994 – info@suinco.cl – Lago Llanquihue 0491 – San Bernardo – Santiago, CHILE.   


We have developed diverse innovations to improve and optimize some of the procedures that are important in casting.


Coating Robot Applicator (SAAD)

The automatic coating application system allows the optimal cover of the mold surface, reinforcing the areas of greatest thermal impact and distributing properly. In addition, this automation reduces the coating consumption rate and more important, contribute to reduce risks on being in high temperature areas handling the product.


Density meter

Using a coating mixture with an adequate density is very important to get good quality anodes. This makes it easier to release the anode with the mold, efficiency in the consumption of release agent and reduce the effects of over-impregnation or burrs at the anode.


Mold thermography

Real-time visualization of the thermal behavior of anodes and molds, showing temperature distribution curves in different areas predefined. This system allows to improve the decision making by the operator and register the data on a cloud server.